Sarpatta Parambarai is a 2021 Tamil movie and it is a kind of Spots Movie in Tamil. This movie stars Arya, Dushara Vijayan, Pasupathi in the lead roles and Sarpatta Parambarai Movie is one of the best sports movies in Tamil
You can either watch Sarpatta Parambarai Movie online or download Sarpatta Movie from the Isaimini website and the Sarpatta Parambarai Movie is also available in Tamil Rockers, Tamil Yogi, Kutty Movies, Moviesda, Movies Rockers etc.
Sarpatta Parambarai Movie Download Isaimini Links:
Visit the below download link for Sarpatta Movie Download Isaimini. You will be redirected to the page where the Sarpatta Parambarai Movie Download link is available. Then just download the Sarpatta Movie normally.
Sarpatta Parambarai Movie Story:
When Sarpatta Parambarai, a group of boxers is challenged to a do-or-die match, Kabilan, a young harbour labourer, must choose whether to put on the gloves himself and lead his Sarpatta Parambarai to victory under the guidance of his Guru Rangan Vathiyar or be discouraged by his disapproving mother and dangerous politics.
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